Monday, May 15, 2017



1. Attendance / Announcements / Penny Drive results!!!!!

Image result for arcade2. Arcade Room (for realzzz)

The results are in:

Most POINTS:  Ms. Hardy's homeroom!!!!  Congratulations!

Most MONEY:  Mr. Karstensen's homeroom!!!!  Congratulations!

Total money raised: $1,147.64


~ Creative Thinkers of the Renaissance ~ 

1. William Shakespeare - Four Fascinating Facts!

Image result for Romeo and juliet

Planner reminder: Return IR book!!

IF YOU STILL NEED TO FINISH the Smarter Balanced test, you will today in lab 37 - don't unpack your stuff - I will dismiss you when the bell rings - do you need your SSID card?

Plan for today: 
Image result for sherlock holmes

1. Daily Writing

2. Theme Hunt!

Daily Writing:

Your room is a mess. So messy that you can hardly enter it for the smell and dusty piles of clothes.... 
Describe your room using the five senses.... 

My example:
Cramped, dim and cave like, my room emitted a rotted, stale odor upon opening the door. A cheap spindly pine framed bed was cut shorter to fit into the room with a narrow strip of carpet graying with decades of filth placed to its left. To the right of the bed was a teeny and grimy window layered in aging mold and dust, covered by moth eaten velvet curtains swaying mysteriously in the shadows . A chest of drawers were overflowing with smelly clothes and greying socks thriving with maggots and grime. Dirt encrusted beige wallpaper was peeling off the wall near the dented floorboards. A moldy, dried-up pizza crust lay forgotten on a plate.... a trail of ants leading from its crust along the floor to the wall nearby.....

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