Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Plan for the day:

Image result for happy to see you1. Attendance / Announcements
2. Library - check power school in lab and read IR / library book

~ Creative Thinking ~ 
Image result for age of exploration

1. Finish green packet
2. Homework from other classes

Planner reminder: Study for spelling test 
CHANGE - Vocabulary bookmark due MONDAY

When you are done with your planner, get out your flashcards to quizzzzzz!

Plan for the day:
1. Daily writing
Image result for school uniform2. "Dress code article"
3. SSR - - work on vocabulary bookmarks as you read!

Tell the story of the craziest experience you have had in a shopping mall or a restaurant? If you can't think of one that occurred in your life, make one up! 

Planner reminder: Reading IR book / Vocabulary bookmark (DUE TOMORROW)

When you're done writing in your planner, get out your Daily Writing notebook....

Plan for the day:
1. Daily writing
Image result for school uniform2. "Dress code article"
3. SSR - - work on vocabulary bookmarks as you read!

Tell the story of the craziest experience you have had in a shopping mall or a restaurant? If you can't think of one that occurred in your life, make one up!

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