Monday, May 21, 2018



1.  Attendance / Announcements

2. Read / Write / Draw/ Do homework or missing assignments


The Royal Wedding! 

Image result for Prince harry meghan markle engagement photo

Image result for baby catherine middleton louis

Image result for royal family tree 2018

Image result for queen elizabeth

Planner reminder: Completed vocabulary handout

Plan for the day:

1. Summer reading presentation - Karl

2. "Rain, Rain, Go Away" vocabulary

3. Dialogue Rules

4. Creative writing (if time allows)

What if the neighbors were ____________ ? (think of something strange.....)


Start writing a conversation between two characters about the neighbors....

Try to punctuate it correctly, but of course you won't be graded on punctuation. 

Pssst, here's how you punctuate dialogue:

     "Hey, Ms. Street," yelled the student, "Stop giving us so much work to do!"
     "Well, Student, I do it because I care," said Ms. Street compassionately.