Monday, May 21, 2018



1. Attendance / Announcements

2. Reading on ipads


1. Finish Leonardo Da Vinci packets

2. Leonardo Da Vinci Jeopardy

Planner reminder: Finish Dialogue packet

Plan for the day: 

** Hand back graded work - don't let me forget!

1. Dialogue Rules

2. Creative writing / reading on ipads 

What if the neighbors were ____________ ? (think of something strange.....)


Start writing a conversation between two characters about the neighbors....

Try to punctuate it correctly, but of course you won't be graded on punctuation. 

Pssst, here's how you punctuate dialogue:

     "Hey, Ms. Street," yelled the student, "Stop giving us so much work to do!"
     "Well, Student, I do it because I care," said Ms. Street compassionately.

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